Travis & Janay
The wedding of Travis & Janaya was a complete success yesterday, there's no better feeling than arriving home safe from a wedding job with a car full of special cargo (in the form of a freshly married couples priceless memories on your memory cards). For a photographer though, arriving home at 9 pm doesn't mean that's the end of your day & you can now go to sleep in your comfy king size bed, no no far from it.
Here's how it really was for me last night, after arriving home at 9 pm, the real work begins. Unloading 3 cameras of their photos, backing the photos up onto both the computer & multiple safe & secure external hard drive devices. Then knowing you have to be at a car meet first thing in the early morning, followed closely by a larger meet that same night that you are hosting yourself, the cameras have to be ready to go again not even 12 hours after they finished their last mission. However the batteries are all flat & memory cards are all full. You stay awake as long as you need to so that your loyal equipment is in the right condition to go again.
Then once that's all done, you decide to go through all the photos quickly to rest the mind that you got everything you wanted on media. What originally was going to be a quick 20 minute over view turns into a 3 hour sitting because your blown away by the photos taken through out the day, face hurting from smiling & laughing so much you just can't drag yourself away.
At 4.30 am your still awake & that comfy King size bed is calling, instead you dose off onto a not so comfy timber topped work bench that holds the computer screen....... Yep, you still haven't left the work station. Waking up to the music of a live streamed radio show, your face feels like it's been hit by a baseball bat & your body feels like it has been run over by a truck. Instead of retreating to that king size bed, you stay awake knowing you'll have to be up at 5 am any way to attend said car meet.
A nice hot shower to freshen up & press the reset button gets your primed to hopefully go another full day on just 30 minutes sleep.
That my friends, is the life of a photographer.
Dtrain Photography